William Nicholls, an Anglican minister and head of the Dept. of Religious Studies at Univ. of British Columbia, Canada. He admitted that his church now believes homosexual acts are sinful but added that "its views may change in the future."


Greenwich Village is getting its cop quota upped to "curtail loitering and solicitation by homosexuals," says NY Times. . . That 6/30/64 LOOK article on bachelor Dag Hammarskjold says his personal life couldn't safely be bared and compares him to Lawrence of Arabia . . . Samuel Barber's Pulitzer prize winning Piano Concerto got recorded by Columbia with pianist John Browning Flo-

rida's Johns Committee will be up for renewal in April/65 and continues to get ridiculed by the press ... A 16 year old girl is petitioning Calif. Supreme Court for release from a state institution on the grounds that over three-fourths of the females there indulge in lesbianism Saturday Review

Critic, Granville Hicks, gave the new novel LAST EXIT FROM BROOKLYN a rave review. The reviews on an an English novel, THE BOAT BOY, and of a U.S. book of poetry, WESTERN TIME, show that they treat homosexuality. A half-hour French film, Jean Genet's UN CHANT d'AMOUR, was seized by Frisco VS who said it showed sex between two men and some in the nude . . . The British continue their orgy of wild dress for men. Hardy Amies, one of Queen Elizabeth's dress designers, at his last show had dinner jackets in gold and skintight black pants disappearing into KNEE-length boots ...


One of the more humorous books published this Christmas season is by writer Louise W. King, whose short stories have appeared in ONE. A lesbian My Friend Irma, don't miss The Day We Were Mostly Butterflies (Doubleday).

An English boy's boarding school is the locale of Robin Douglas-Home's novel Hot For Certainties (Dutton).

Probably one of the most beautifully put together new books is Brendan Behan's New York (Bernard Geis). Paul Hogarth made the tour with Behan and his excellent drawings are used. Typical Brendan Behan jokes are liberally sprinkled through the pages. For example, ". . a little boy who had been sent to Eton or Harrow or one of those posh public schools in England where they say the three principal factors in their education are: beating, bullying and buggery. The headmaster was interviewing the boy's mother and he asked her little fellow's name. 'Master Bates' came the reply. 'Oh, he does, does he,' said the headmaster. 'We'll soon cure him of that.'

Says Mr. Behan, "My attitude to homosexuality is rather like that of the woman who, at the time of the trial of Oscar Wilde, said she didn't mind what they did, so long as they didn't do it in the street and frighten the horses."

A more scholarly, but interesting and well illustrated work is Woman in the Sexual Relation (Medical Press of New York).

G. Legman wrote the "The Language of Homosexuality, An American Glossary" chapter in the 1941 edition of Henry's Sex Variants. His work was very thorough. He was for a time the official bibliographer for the Kinsey Institute.